Learn how to anticipate and react to potential hazards, making you a more alert and proactive rider.
Comprehensive Curriculum
Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics to ensure you are always prepared while riding on two wheels. From habits, to physics, to avoiding collisions, we got you covered.
Risk Assessment
Discover how to assess road conditions, traffic, and environmental factors to make better riding decisions in the moment.
The A.P.EX. Safety System was created specifically for motorcycle riders. This 3-step process consistently manages motorcycle hazards:
(A)nalyze Hazards – Spot hazards and determine risk factors.
(P)lan the Ride – Utilize a Ride Plan to control risks.
(EX)ecute Fluidly – Apply smooth control inputs to achieve fluid motorcycle motions.
The A.P.EX. Safety System contains a 4-tiered, colour coded risk classification system to create crystal clear lessons throughout Moto Instincts in pictures, diagrams, and videos. Take full control of your safety today. Watch the video to learn more!